This was a fun cloth to make - [pattern from our KAL calendar]
tho I think next time I'd like to use a navy or black, with a self-striping cloth in a pastel color to make the *blocks* of color stand out better -
this one I knit for my aunt, who has a kitchen in black and white, with splashes of red.
Another of our Dishcloth Calendar's cloths, this one created by Dione Reed, 2008.
The Whiskers Cloth - an ingenious invention! just keep knitting, tie on new yarn and put a nice knot ['whiskers'], keep knitting - continue! Great way to use up all those ends of the skein that you don't want to throw out, but aren't enough to do much with. This one, I knit with two strands of yarn, and will be especially nice as a hot-pad.
Waffle Cloth - using purl stitching, it's so easy and works up fast. -pattern by Dione R, in last year's Dishcloth Calendar.
The rich colors in this yarn show off well in most any pattern - [this one is from one of Sue's from Harvest Moon.]
Here's the progress of my cloth, so far~ [this is after finishing Day 2, row 5]
I think this is going to be a lovely dishcloth! I wonder who the designer is? Will it continue with this lacy-look? hmmmm - only time and knitting will tell !!!