Monday, April 17, 2017

Hi fellow knitters!
It’s time for the April Challenge KAL –
This will not be a typical *square cloth* –

Some things you need to know:
-          1 skein cotton yarn, [100yds] solid color recommended [color, your preference]
-          # 7 knitting needles [or your preferred needles]

What is the CHALLENGE?  Cable cast-on; turning work
-          Using the CABLE CAST-ON – you will be adding stitches within rows throughout this cloth – this cast-on is recommended, not the backwards loop -  if you are not familiar with this, you can find out about it at  - essentially, it is done like knitting your next stitch, but you put it back on your left needle, I hope that doesn’t confuse anyone—use your knitting how-to book, or check the internet

-          The pattern gives you the number of stitches that you should have on your needles every few rows, so you can check to be sure you are on target –

-          One direction in the pattern you may not be familiar with: *Turn* - now, this is not scary, it is not meant to turn yourself in contorted positions! – it simply means to *turn* your work, just as you do when you finish a row, you *turn* your work and have the other side facing you, ready to work [knit]
Okay- let’s get started!

- Cast on 7 stitches
Row 1: knit

Row 2: purl

Row 3: knit

Row 4: purl

Row 5: knit

Row 6: purl.  TURN.  Cast on 4 stitches.  [total, 11 stitches now]. Do NOT turn.
Now begins your design…

NOTE: the designer made the pattern in sections, so the row numbers will go from 1 to 6, then start over with Row 1 again.

Row 1:  K 5, P 5, K 1.  TURN.  Cast on 4 st – Do NOT turn. [15 stitches]

Row 2:  P 5, K 5, P 5.  TURN.

Row 3:  K 5, P 5, K 5. TURN.

Row 4:  P 5, K 5, P 5.  TURN.

Row 5:  K 5, P 5, K 5. TURN

Row 6:  P 5, K 5, P 5.  TURN.  Cast on 5 stitches. Do NOT Turn.  [20 stitches]

From now on, you will turn at the end of each row, as usually done in knitting, unless otherwise noted -

Row 1:  [K 5, P 5] x 2; TURN.  Cast on 5 stitches.  Do NOT Turn [25stitches]

Row 2:  [P 5, K 5] x 2, P 5

Row 3:  [K 5, P 5] x 2, K 5

Row 4:  [P 5, K 5] x 2, P 5

Row 5:  [K 5, P 5] x 2, K 5

Row 6: [ P 5, K 5] x 2, P 5.  TURN.  – Cast on 5 stitches.  Do NOT Turn. [ 30 st]

Okay – now you can see the *pattern* forming – it should look like little boxes, kind of like a checkerboard, where one square goes horizontal the other is vertical.

Happy Knitting til tomorrow!   Happy Easter !   ~ Linda

Knit How-To’s and Videos:

Info for Challenge KAL will also be at:


If your stitches are started to get crowded on your needle, hang on – today we end increasing stitches!


Row 1:  [k5, p 5] x3  -- TURN – Cast on 5 st  [35 st.]  Do NOT Turn.

Row 2:  [p 5, k 5] x 3,  p 5

Row 3: [k 5, p 5]x 3,  k 5

Row 4:  [p 5, k 5] x 3,  p 5

Row 5: [k 5, p 5]x 3,  k 5

Row 6:  [p5, k 5]x3,  p 5  TURN, Cast on 5 st.  [40 stitches] Do NOT Turn

Row 1:  [k 5, p 5]x 4,  TURN, Cast on 5 st.  [45 stitches]  Do NOT Turn

Row 2:  [p 5, k 5]x 4,  p 5

Row 3:  [k 5, p 5] x 4,  k 5

Row 4:  [p 5, k 5]x 4,  p 5

Row 5:  [k 5, p 5] x 4,  k 5

Row 6:  [p 5, k 5] x 4,  p 5, TURN, Cast on 5 st [50 stitches] Do NOT Turn

Row 1:  [k 5, p 5] x 5,  TURN, Cast on 5 st [55 stitches] Do NOT Turn

Row 2:  [p 5, k 5]x 5, p 5

Row 3: [k 5, p 5] x 5,  k 5

Row 4:  [p 5, k 5]x 5, p 5

Row 5:  [k 5, p 5] x 5,  k 5

Row 6:  [p 5, k 5] x 4,  p 5  TURN

This is end of increases! – next, you will be decreasing, by binding stitches off – starting tomorrow, Day 3

Day 3    You will be decreasing in the next row – simply bind off stitches, as customary.  The last stitch should be slipped back on the right needle, [this is noted in Row 1, then not included, in second bind off row…but continue the same] … then follow directions for remainder of row –

Row 1:  BIND OFF 5 st; slip last stitch back on needle;  [k 5, p5]  x5      [50 st]

Row 2:  BIND OFF 5 st;  [p 5, k 5] x 4,  p 5   [45 st]

Rows 3 and 5: knit 5, purl 5 to end of row

Rows 4 and 6:  purl 5, knit 5 to end of row

Row 1:  BIND OFF 5 st; slip last stitch back on needle; [k5, p 5] x 4   [40 st]

Row 2:  BIND OFF 5 st;  [p 5, k 5] x 3; p 5   [35 st]

Rows 3 and 5:  [k 5, p 5] x3; purl 5

Rows 4 and 6:  [p 5, k 5] x 3; purl 5

Row 1:  BIND OFF 5 st; slip last stitch back on needle; [k 5, p 5] x 3    [30 st.]

Row 2:  BIND OFF 5 st.; [p 5, k 5] x 2, purl 5    [25 st]

Rows 3 and 5:  [k 5, p 5] x 2; p 5

Rows 4 and 6:  [p 5, k 5] x2;  k 5

Row 1:  BIND OFF 5 st.; slip last stitch back on needle; [k 5, p 5] 2x    [20 st]

Row 2:  BIND OFF 5 st.;  p 5, k 5, p 5    [15 st]

Rows 3 and 5:  k 5, p 5, k 5

Rows 4 and 6:  p 5, k 5, p 5

Row 1:  BIND OFF 4 st; slip last st back on needle;  K 6, P 5    [11 st]

Row 2:  BIND OFF 4 st; p 7          [7 st]

Rows 3 and 5:  Knit

Rows 4 and 6:  Purl

Bind off.

Hope you enjoyed knitting this design – when you post a photo in your Yahoo Album, also stop by Ravelry and post it there, so Cindy [pattern-designer] can see it too!

Pattern by Cindy Moore, 2007
More of her designs are found at her blog:
and at :

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